Liquid Asphalt Emulsion for Pothole Repair
GOT POTHOLES?.... Make an long lasting, efficient repair with Asphalt Emulsion
With aging roads and increased traffic, New England roads are plagued by the need for pothole repair. Comer Contracting provides Liquid Asphalt Emulsion for delivery or pickup year round.
Commonly referred to as "spray injection" pothole patching, it is known for it quick application and longer life. The Federal Highway Administration's Strategic Highway Research project found that "Spray Injection" patching is twice as effective as traditonal "Throw and Roll" (Hot Mix or Cold Mix) patching."Thow and Roll" repairs are labor intensive and in-effective. By utilizing a self contained patcher unit (see picture to right) or trailer unit for "Spray Injection", your crew can perform a timely and effective repair SAFELY.
For more information, or to schedule a delivery, please contact us at [email protected] or call our office at 860-677-0603
Commonly referred to as "spray injection" pothole patching, it is known for it quick application and longer life. The Federal Highway Administration's Strategic Highway Research project found that "Spray Injection" patching is twice as effective as traditonal "Throw and Roll" (Hot Mix or Cold Mix) patching."Thow and Roll" repairs are labor intensive and in-effective. By utilizing a self contained patcher unit (see picture to right) or trailer unit for "Spray Injection", your crew can perform a timely and effective repair SAFELY.
For more information, or to schedule a delivery, please contact us at [email protected] or call our office at 860-677-0603